The vision of Towards Peace is to provide a safe supportive space, where people who have been affected by abuse in a Church context can be accompanied as they seek their own experience of spiritual peace, one step at a time.
Towards Peace realises that abuse by Church personnel in particular, may have an especially traumatic impact on spirituality; shattering a person’s sense of wholeness, rupturing their inherent trust of their own goodness and sacredness, and fracturing their relationship with the presence of God within themselves and their lives. We are very much aware that this kind of abuse can create deep lifelong spiritual wounds.
In seeking to offer a pathway ‘towards peace’, we respect that the journey of healing from spiritual injuries is a painful, complex and unique journey, for each person. With the difficulty of this work in mind, Towards Peace is committed to the ongoing development of responsible practice, including competency, accountability, transparency and collaboration.
Towards Peace values collaboration and consultation with all who are involved in the healing process – especially those who have been harmed by abuse. The realities, hopes and insights of survivors are central to the ongoing development of Towards Peace.